Don’t Make Your Consumers Do Anything

Recently, my brain has been abuzz with various ideas and musings about social media, startups, technology, marketing, and so on (okay, this is kind of how my brain is always, but it’s been especially busy of late). One of these ideas manifested into an actual idea for a startup social media application, which I may … Continue reading

Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work (But Still Should)

The non-parenthetical portion of the above title is lifted from a TEDxMidwest speech of the same name from October 2010, by Jason Fried. This blog post is my response to the video (see below), highlighting the points that I agree with and the points that I feel were omitted. In the above video, Jason Fried … Continue reading

Boston to Los Angeles: A Retrospective [Photos]

As many of you know, I recently made the move from Boston to Los Angeles in order to complete my final semester with Emerson College at our campus in Burbank, CA, while interning at TBWA\Chiat\Day. Because I do not own a car, I decided to road trip to Los Angeles with my roommate (using his … Continue reading

Treat Yourself Like a Client in 2011

Confession: I didn’t come up with the title of this post. I’m “borrowing” this golden nugget of advice from fellow Emersonian and marketer extraordinaire, Ben Grossman of Oxford Communications. So what does it mean to treat yourself like a client? In a nutshell, it means that each of us must begin to look at ourselves … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution 2011: Motivate Other People

[Editor’s Note: This article was originally written for BostInnovation] I’ve never been very good at keeping my New Year’s resolutions. Get more exercise. Eat better. Study harder. I can do all of those, but somewhere along the way, like many other Americans, I lose a bit of steam. That’s why this year I’m making a New … Continue reading

New Foursquare Update for Android [Review]

What a lovely Christmas surprise for me! I happened to be hanging ’round Twitter today when I saw the following from Foursquare‘s Dennis Crowley: Immediately I jumped on my Android, enabled out-of-market apps (this is NOT the official release – that’s coming in January 2011), and got to downloading the new Foursquare for Android. Now, … Continue reading

Top 8 Favorite (Free) Android Apps So Far

Well, well, well. It’s that time of year again. Sure enough with the holidays comes the inevitable year-end lists of everyone’s favorites from the year that was. I was attempting to think of which category I wished to cover with my year-end list(s), and I simply couldn’t land on just one or two. However, my … Continue reading

#MegaTweetup 2 in Review

Anyone who follows me on Twitter is probably well-aware by now that #MegaTweetup 2 took place last Thursday, December 16, 2010. The event marked the 500th event for the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge, MA. More than 400 people came to celebrate the best in social media, technology, marketing, and business innovation. The host and … Continue reading

The Next Big Thing: Social Media Command Centers

Okay, we’ve heard all about how companies are embracing location-based services, group buying and all these other mobile trends that are allegedly “next.” Well what if the real next big thing was actually something that’s been around for years – simply done better and on a grander scale? It wasn’t too long ago that Gatorade sent … Continue reading